At 26 years old, Alfonso Figueroa became the youngest artistic director of a ballet company in America when he took the reins of the Birmingham Civic Ballet in 1973. As director he lifted the company from a small amateur group up to a fully professional touring repertory company becoming the Birmingham Ballet in a short three years. The Birmingham Ballet developed educational programs for inner city children, parks tours that brought dance to the public for free, and toured through out the south with a fully professional company of international dancers.

In 1980 Rutgers University sought out Mr. Figueroa to develop a company at Rutgers University. As Director he developed fundraising strategies, promotional programs and board direction as well as an artistic vision for the company. While directing the company he was commissioned by WGBH TV to be a featured choreographer and director for their one hour program special as a result of an early WGBH program featuring Alfonso's choreography that was nominated for an Emmy Award.
Simultaneously while director of the Latin American Dance Company in New Jersey Alfonso was the Founding Director of the New York Dance Company and the Alfonso Figueroa Ballet Company in New York City.

With a growing family Alfonso looked for a situation more conducive to raising his children with his wife. They moved to Illinois where he took on the challenge of Artistic Director of the small Peoria Civic Ballet. He remained in this position for ten years growing the small civic amateur student company into a full fledged, highly acclaimed company that was recognized by the London Press during their performances at the Edinborough Festival in Scotland. While in Illinois Mr. Figueroa built artistic collaborations with the other arts institutes including the opera company, symphony and theater organizations, raising the quality of life for the citizens of central Illinois.
Mr. Figueroa has continued his work as a guest choreographer and advisor to dance companies throughout the country sharing his knowledge of every aspect of building a successful dance company.