Contemporary - Various Choreographic styles

REMEMBER WHEN? (1974) - Boston Ballet Premier, commissioned by the Mugar Foundation, for the grand opening of the Mugar Library in Boston. Performed by Birmingham Ballet (1976)

Music: Traditional
Costumes: Virginia Williams
Choreography: Alfonso Figueroa

A romp through the century with the dance styles of the periods, Victorian to present.

PRIMUS (1973) Birmingham Ballet Debut, (1974) Boston Ballet / selected by the 1974 Vestris International Choreography Competition, performed by Illinois Peoria Ballet (1989), featured on WTVP Illinois PBS (1989)

Music: Remi Gassman - Electronade
Costumes: Sandro LaFerla
Choreography: Alfonso Figueroa

A semi narrative ballet with an extraterrestrial theme, for 12 dancers in a contemporary ballet style.

DECIMA DANZA (1981) Alfonso Figueroa Ballet Debut - New York City (1981), featured in a national WGBH PBS Boston Special "Jubilos" featuring 3 works by Alfonso Figueroa (1982)

Music: Traditional

A contemporary ballet combining modern, ballet and jazz, of Puerto Rican-cultural/musical progression.

RODIN (1985) Peoria Ballet Company

Music: Charles Ives, Philip Glass

Non narrative, contemporary modern ballet, based on the sculptures of Rodin

EDEN (1975) Birmingham Ballet Debut, Bi Centennial American Composers Festival, (1989) European Premier-Edinburgh, Scottish American Ballet

Music: Charles Ives - Unanswered Question

A dramatic pas de deux, based on a biblical story depicting the birth and expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of paradise.

SEASONS (1975) Birmingham Ballet Debut, Bi Centennial American Composers Festival, performed by Illinois Peoria Ballet (1987)

Music: Hotel - Seasons

A non narrative contemporary jazz ballet, suggestive of the seasons of the year and life.

Contemporary Ballets for smaller repertory casts
Contemporary - Various Choreographic styles
Classic and Contemporary Ballets for larger casts